The availability of nutrients for plants is one of the factors that affect rice productivity in Indonesia. To increase the availability of nutrients in the soil while increasing rice production, PT Nusa Palapa Gemilang Tbk developed a compound fertilizer NPK 15-15-15 with the FERTICOMP brand. FERTICOMP 15-15-15 contains 15% N, 15% P2O5, and 15% K2O. The fertilizer is expected to be able to meet the nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium needs of rice plants, so that crop production is expected to increase.
Testing of NPK FERTICOMP 15-15-15 fertilizer was carried out in Dadaprejo Village, Junrejo District, Batu City. This study aims to test the effectiveness of NPK Fertilizer FERTICOMP 15-15-15 on the growth and production of rice plants.

Rice plants aged 8 WAP and 16 WAP
The study was designed using a non-factorial randomized block design with 8 treatments and 3 replications so that there were 24 experimental plot units. This randomized block design was used because the experimental unit was not homogeneous and it was a field experiment.
Observations of plant growth were carried out in the vegetative phase of rice plants. Observations were carried out periodically at intervals of every 2 weeks from the age of the plant 2 to 10 weeks after planting (WAP). The parameters for observing plant growth include plant height, number of leaves, and number of rice tillers.
There was 9 treatment doses in the test:
B0 = Control (without fertilization)
B1 = Application 100% NPK 15-15-15 fertilizer with comparison
B2 = Application of 100% single fertilizer mix (Urea, SP-36, KCl)
B3 = Application of 50% NPK 15-15-15 FERTICOMP fertilizer (150 kg/ha)
B4 = Application of 75% NPK 15-15-15 FERTICOMP fertilizer (225 kg/ha)
B5 = Application of 100% NPK 15-15-15 FERTICOMP fertilizer (300 kg/ha)
B6 = Application of 125% NPK fertilizer 15-15-15 FERTICOMP (375 kg/ha)
B7 = Application of 150% NPK fertilizer 15-15-15 FERTICOMP (450 kg/ha)

Fertilizer application into rice plants

Effect of application of various doses of NPK Ferticomp 15-15-15 on plant height, number of leaves, number of vegetative tillers, and productive tillers in rice plants
Based on the test results, the application of inorganic fertilizer NPK FERTICOMP 15-15-15 at a dose of 150% (± 450 kg/ha) was able to produce the best rice growth (plant height, number of leaves, and number of children) when compared to other treatments. Meanwhile, the application of NPK fertilizer FERTICOMP 15-15-15 with a dose of 100% (± 300 kg/ha) resulted in rice growth that was not significantly different from the comparison NPK fertilizer or a single fertilizer mixture.

Effect of application of various doses of NPK Ferticomp 15-15-15 on the weight of harvested grain and dry milled grain weight
The largest rice production (harvested grain and dry milled grain) was also obtained in the application treatment of NPK fertilizer application FERTICOMP 15-15-15 brands with doses of 100% and 150% (300 kg/ha and 450 kg/ha), which was 9.68 and 10.44 tons/ha of harvested grain and 7.98 and 8.59 tons/ha of dry milled grain.
The results of this study indicate that there are benefits from the application of NPK FERTICOMP 15-15-15 fertilizer to maintain the sustainability of rice production. Thus, it is recommended to apply 100% - 150% dose of inorganic fertilizer NPK FERTICOMP 15-15-15 (300 - 450 kg/ha) on rice plants depending on soil fertility conditions at the cultivation site to obtain optimal growth and production of rice plants.
1. Application of NPK fertilizer FERTICOMP 15-15-15 was able to significantly increase the growth of rice plants, in terms of plant height, a number of leaves, and a number of tillers. The best dose to increase plant growth is 150% NPK FERTICOMP 15-15-15 fertilizer or equivalent to 450 kg/ha.
2. Based on plant production parameters, the application of NPK FERTICOMP 15-15-15 fertilizer was able to increase crop production. The dose of NPK FERTICOMP 15-15-15 fertilizer that can produce optimal yields both weights of harvested grain and weight of dry milled grain is 100-150% NPK FERTICOMP 15-15-15 fertilizer or the equivalent of 300 kg/ha to 450 kg/ha.