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News Company Laboratory Facilities |bkj84|
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Company Laboratory Facilities

Company Laboratory Facilities

Surabaya, 16 September 2020. The Company has reliable and competent human resources in the field of product development and formulation. The company's laboratory facilities are equipped with equipment that follows ISO standards and is nationally certified. As part of the modernization of equipment, the company has brought in an AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer) which is used to analyze micro elements Cu, Zn, Fe, B, Ca, Mg, and macro elements (P and K). the accuracy is high compared to the old tools.
News Company Laboratory Facilities
Company LogoPT Nusa Palapa Gemilang Tbk
Since its establishment in 2001 until now, the company has grown and developed very proudly.
Head Office and Factory:
Jl. Raya Daendles KM 56, Desa Banyutengah, Kecamatan Panceng, Kabupaten Gresik, Jawa Timur


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